You can enjoy Český Krumlov even in winter. Of course, the beauty of the architecture is better enjoyed with the sun on your back, but in winter you can avoid the crowds and you can also go skiing or ice skating in Lipno. There are also ski areas in Austria and Germany nearby.
The season on Revolving Theatre will begin soon
On the stage, you can see all four artistic ensembles of the the South Bohemian Theatre – drama, opera, ballet and Malé divadlo ensemble. International tourists are attracted the most by its productions of opera and ballet with world famous guests such as José Cura, the New York Metropolitan opera soloists, National Theatre Prague, Bratislava)
Rich repertoire of the drama ensemble and the ensemble of Malé Divadlo is rather addressed to Czech audience which will be attracted by famous names (directors such as Jiří Menzel, David Radok, Jan Kačer, Petr Zelenka and actors such as Karel Roden, Petr Rychlý, Oldřich Vízner etc).
Every year beginning in June about 80 performances are played, visited by around 55 thousand spectators from the Czech Republic and abroad.
Rich genre variety makes this cultural experience unique. The theatre has been facing a long-time threat of being relocated as there has been a lot of criticism of its location in baroque castle garden.